Saturday, February 16, 2013

We are our own instrument

As you've probably noticed, as actors, we don't have an external instrument that we need to keep clean and maintained. Well that's because we are our own instrument. Unlike musicians, our bodies are all we have: Our voices our physical selves. And it is so incredibly important that we remember that and take care of our instrument. 


Wellness to me, is being in good mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Each of these aspects plays into our daily lives and are essential to making one feel happy and fulfilled. I feel that good mental health means giving myself time to simply do nothing. I don't mean constantly, of course, but when I have an incredibly busy day (a.k.a. all the time) and my mind is just racing nonstop from the moment I wake up, I take advantage of even twenty minutes I may have to just be. 

I often will come back to my room and lie on the floor and completely relax all of my muscles and let my mind drift off in order to stop thinking so much. I think those mental breaks are extremely important. This also helps my emotional health and spiritual health. As long as I allow myself time to just chill completely I can let my mind wander to wherever it needs to go to make sure that I am emotionally and spiritually stable. 

And of course, physical wellness is huge as well. As actors we have our bodies. That's it. So we need to take care of ourselves as much as we can and that includes exercise and eating well. I feel that between the many dance classes I have and my meal choices I do pretty well in that category. But it's always hard not to splurge. And that's okay. Splurge if you want to. Once in a while it's no big deal.

I want my body to be in good condition for a long time so I find it important to be PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE. Be conscious of it now instead of coming across problems later and trying to reverse the issues. 

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