Wednesday, February 20, 2013

500 Pageviews! Update!

celebrate good times

Yay!!! The blog has reached 500 views thanks to you lovely people! You're great and I'm so glad people are reading - and hopefully enjoying- Theaterisms. Go ahead and subscribe via email or "join the site" to get constant updates. 

If you haven't yet, be sure to follow us on twitter @theaterisms and use #theaterisms when you tweet about something theater-related! Help spread the word. It's a great way for you to be updated on posts and it's also a great way for me to connect to you!

Yes, if you haven't heard, we are on stumbleupon now! So there's a chance you may find us as you go about your internet browsing. If you do, give us a thumbs up!

I'm so glad to see that the poll is getting some attention- keep it going! Now let's take a step forward-- Please, comment on posts. Share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions! I'm just waiting for that to happen so that it can be showcased and add to the blog's outreach. I would love at any point for you to let me know your thoughts on the blog. 

Thank you for reading, you terrific people. We're on a roll so let's keep it moving! I love posting about what I learn and I love sharing with my theater community. 

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